Currently, I’m mainly selling my skinks through MorphMarket as I receive more visitors at a large commercial site than directly to my own website. Primarily, I use this site to post articles on the care, feeding, and behavior of blue-tongue skinks. It also allows me to post better photos and […]
This is a habitat setup that someone designed for one of my adult Northern blue-tongue skinks. The combination of hides, basking platform and faux foliage makes for a very aesthetically pleasing terrarium. My only recommendation is to use a much larger water bowl. I use dog feeding bowls that are […]
Is it Tame? Or Will it Rip My Hand Off!? Is it tame? This is probably the most common question that I get in regards to the bluetongue skinks that I have for sale. Most of this information applies to captive born animals, specifically Northern and Eastern bluetongues — […]
Baby Blue-tongue Diet Recipe This recipe is not ancient or sacrosanct, and I am sure it can be modified and even improved upon. I would be happy to listen to potential upgrades if other keepers have suggestions! The important thing is my baby skinks have been flourishing on it, and […]
Feeding the Little Rascals Fortunately, healthy baby blue-tongues are almost always voracious feeders. Even when nervous about you lurking menacingly nearby, their appetites usually overcome their fears. In my experience, there are a couple of common questionable assumptions about blue-tongue skink diets in captivity: one is that they eat a […]
Baby photos and prices are posted below. I’m posting photos of the parents first so you can see potential adult colors. Posting 3 litters that are ready to go to new homes now. Three more litters from different parents will be posted in two weeks after the babies have a […]
First batch of babies caught me by surprise because it was none of the gravid females that seemed most primed. The mother, Elektra, is a young 3-year old that was produced by a breeder back East and is reputedly of Turner – White & Sunset stock. These are ‘lineage’ terms […]
How do you know when a female is gravid? The females shown in the photos below all bred from February 1st to February 11th, 2021. By May 10th, approximately 90 to 100 days have passed from the breeding season, and the females are in the last stages of pregnancy. […]
In lizards and snakes the males have two penises, which are known as hemipenes. (Turtles and tortoises have lost the plot and only have one — like the monkeys and naked apes and such.) The Squamata, the order comprising snakes, lizards and amphisbaenians, wisely keep their hemipenes in an internal […]
I purchased a Northern Blue-tongue skink that was captive born sometime in the summer of 2018. The skink was around 6-months when I acquired it, and clearly displayed serious health issues. The lizard had been raised by an inexperienced keeper who knew little about blue-tongue skinks, and had only cared […]