Posting photographs and information for each of my 2021 to 2023 Female Breeders. (I have several more that will be added in the next month to the site.)
Sigorney has quite a detailed genealogy. She was produced by another breeder and born on 6/18/18, and then raised as a pet in Southern California. I acquired her in the summer of 2020, sex unknown. She bred here in February 2021.
Now this is her genealogy, complements of the original breeder. [Hang on to your chair in case you feel dizzy.]
Sigorney’s parents were named Chloe and Odin. Chloe was born in 2015 and her parents were Calypso and Thor. Thor was produced by Jessica Gearheart in Nevada in 2011 — and his parents were Tibs [Dad] — (produced by Zach BTS Forum from Nikko and Peach in 2008); and Tang from a breeder in Arizona.
Calpyso was purchased as an adult from Sarah Holt (Texas) who had obtained her from a reptile show in Oklahoma (Critter Dome). Odin was produced by Austin Molynuex in 2014. His parents were Darwin (mom) produced by James Wilson; Darwin’s parents were from a male produced by Jeff Green and a female produced by James Fenn; Odin’s father, Elliot, was produced by Justin Julander from a male and female obtained from Andrew Seike.
{As a coincidence, I also have a female named Darwin (out of European stock but produced by me), and a female named Calypso, also produced by me. They are not the skinks of the same names in Sigorney’s family history.}